#1 Best Acne Scar Treatment At Epicorium | Acne Scar Treatment Near Me|
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Perfect skin is frequently regarded as a sign of confidence and excellent health in today’s beauty-conscious society. Scars, particularly acne scars, are a problem for a lot of people, though, and they can negatively impact one’s self-worth and general well-being. This article explores sensible scar management techniques for acne scars and other scar types, offering helpful advice on skincare practices and treatments.

We’ve all had pimples or acne outbreaks at some point in our lives. Acne is the most prevalent skin issue in India, affecting around 200-300 million individuals between the ages of 12 and 25. Breakouts have become more common in older adults in recent years as a result of stress and lifestyle.

Acne may appear to be a simple skin infection, but it is not. It happens as a result of a complicated interplay between fluctuating hormones, sebum, and a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. Because it is a significant skin problem, home methods such as washing your face often and drinking enough water may not be useful. As a result, we recommend obtaining expert assistance.

acne scar

Acne & Other Scar Treatment At Epicorium

Epicorium believes that treating and controlling acne necessitates a holistic approach. To determine the causes of your acne, our trained dermatologists begin the appointment with a thorough skin and health examination. The epidemic might be caused by nutrition, lifestyle, or stress. They will propose a combination of advanced peels, treatments, and medications for you based on their detailed observations and the kind and severity of your acne. This will aid you in the treatment and management of your acne. Our specialists will also ensure that your skin heals properly, eliminating pigmentation and scarring. They will also recommend the best diet to follow as well as other rights and wrongs to avoid future acne.

Our Most Effective Acne Scar Treatments

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Perfect skin is frequently regarded as a sign of confidence and excellent health in today’s beauty-conscious society. Scars, particularly acne scars, are a problem for a lot of people, though, and they can negatively impact one’s self-worth and general well-being. This article explores sensible scar management techniques for acne scars and other scar types, offering helpful advice on skincare practices and treatments.

We’ve all had pimples or acne outbreaks at some point in our lives. Acne is the most prevalent skin issue in India, affecting around 200-300 million individuals between the ages of 12 and 25. Breakouts have become more common in older adults in recent years as a result of stress and lifestyle.

Acne may appear to be a simple skin infection, but it is not. It happens as a result of a complicated interplay between fluctuating hormones, sebum, and a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. Because it is a significant skin problem, home methods such as washing your face often and drinking enough water may not be useful. As a result, we recommend obtaining expert assistance.

acne scar

Acne & Other Scar Treatment At Epicorium

Epicorium believes that treating and controlling acne necessitates a holistic approach. To determine the causes of your acne, our trained dermatologists begin the appointment with a thorough skin and health examination. The epidemic might be caused by nutrition, lifestyle, or stress. They will propose a combination of advanced peels, treatments, and medications for you based on their detailed observations and the kind and severity of your acne. This will aid you in the treatment and management of your acne. Our specialists will also ensure that your skin heals properly, eliminating pigmentation and scarring. They will also recommend the best diet to follow as well as other rights and wrongs to avoid future acne.

Our Most Effective Acne Scar Treatments

There are several cosmetic treatments available. Our dermatologist will advise you on the best treatment choices for your acne scars. It is fairly uncommon for a patient to require many operations or two or more types of surgeries to repair their skin.

  • Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a strong skin exfoliating solution used to the hands, neck, or face to reveal the clean, smooth skin underneath. This approach is popular because it may be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions.

  • Laser Peels

Epicorium is a well-known name in the Laser Peel treatment. Our laser peels are commonly used to improve the appearance of greasy skin and big pores. Our laser carbon peel is a multi-step procedure that takes about 30 minutes from beginning to end.

  • Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive technique for rejuvenating the skin on the face. The treatment uses an abrasive instrument and vacuum suction to remove the thick and uneven outer skin layer. Microdermabrasion is a good technique for increasing collagen thickness.

  • Cryosurgery

Cryotherapy, often known as ice application, is the most basic and oldest kind of injury treatment. Its widespread use is due to its effectiveness, convenience, low cost, and ease of transportation. Ice is thought to relieve pain by inducing a local anesthetic.

Reduce The Risk Of Acne and Other Scars

  • Sunlight is beneficial because your skin absorbs light energy to produce vitamin D. Too much sun, on the other hand, can discolor scars. Scars will be more evident if your skin is darker.
  • Skin damage generates inflammation, which exacerbates scarring. So avoid picking or scratching on the acne.
  • If you wait too long, scarring is more likely to increase. So don’t avoid it for a longer time.
  • Don’t consume tobacco. It may increase the likelihood of scarring. Scars all over your body, not just acne scars.
  • Seek expert assistance as soon as possible! Take care of your acne before it scars.


The ability to treat acne while also reducing scarring is a novel notion in topical treatment. Prescribers should now examine the possibility to not only minimise but perhaps enhance the look of acne scars by using topical therapy selectively.

Some scars fade on their own, while others are more resistant. Some acne scars are just black blemishes that fade with time, whereas deeper tissue scars may necessitate laser therapy. Acne control is critical for avoiding acne scars in the future.

Laser treatment, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels can all help to improve the look of shallow acne scars. They all entail removing layers of skin cells in order to stimulate the skin's production of new cells.

Yes, topical vitamin C may help with acne scars, as well as acne-related inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Nonetheless, combining it with other drugs yields the best results.

Depending on the severity of acne and several important factors, you can choose many different treatment options for acne and acne scars removal at Epicorium. Some of the most popular treatment options are steroids, laser therapy, dermal fillers, chemical peels, cryotherapy, and micro-needling.